Red Cliff is online! 

Slightly over one month after Red Cliff was first previewed at the Singapore Toy and Comic Convention, The first official web entry is up! It’s just a modest 4 frame comic at the moment, but more is in the works.

To mark the occasion, here’s the very first Red Cliff art trade I made (at STCC!): featuring Zhou Yu, and Zhuge Liang, of course J. Drawing on the spot really isn’t my forte- I get major deer- in-headlights syndrome. I’m rather pleased with the overall results this time round though (although the proportions could still use more work..eheh)



3 kingdoms


Joichi very obligingly responded with a lovely piece of her own pair of rivals from her original story, Warlock’s Emblem.


copyright of Joichi! 

One of the best things that came out of STCC for me, was getting to touch base with other artists like Joichi, Gilamon etc. etc. To see such outstanding work so close to home is at the same time humbling and exciting- if this is an indication of things to come, future events are going to be something to watch out for!