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  • Wei 11:29 am on December 25, 2010 Permalink | Reply

    IF: Winter 

    Submission for Illustration Friday: Winter

    In the tropics, winter just means a lot of rain.

    Done in MyPaint 0.8.2 using wet paint brush.

    Illustration Friday is a weekly creative outlet/participatory art exhibit for illustrators and artists of all skill levels. It was designed to challenge participants creatively. Illustration Friday just gives a no-pressure, fun excuse to use it. No clients looking for a particular thing. No one judging the outcome of the work. It’s a chance to experiment and explore and play with visual art.

    • Daniela Messina 2:03 am on December 26, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      So sweet! 🙂

    • Janet 6:46 am on December 26, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      We’ve had a lot of rain here lately, and we used to live in the tropics so I can relate to your illustration :-). Great concept.

  • Rixou 12:42 pm on October 3, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    ‘Slayer’ Step-by-Step Part 1 

    Just thought I’d try documenting one of my pictures from start to finish for once. Here’s where I am now: 

    I tend to lose quite abit of detail when moving from pencil stage to inking stage when I’m setting up pictures I intend to color later. I’ll be trying to add some of those details back in the coloring stage. Here’s the pencil version:

  • Rixou 11:00 pm on May 22, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: an Tain, battle, Cattle Raid of Cooley, celtic mythology, CuChulainn, Gae Bolga, Morrigan, red branch, Setanta, Ulaid, Ulster cycle   

    Borrowing Historys: The Hound and the Raven complete 

    I finally finished my illustration of CuChulainn and the Morrigan which I started waay back here!

    I had to content myself with leaving it at a quickly colored sketch at the time, mainly because I lacked the skills to complete it to the level I envisioned.  Coloring still involves a considerable portion of playing by ear for me now, but I am pleased with how the Hound and the Raven has finally turned out.

    For those unfamiliar with the subject, CuChulainn is a legendary warrior from Celtic (more specifically, Irish) mythology- his key defining charecteristics include his extreme youth, exceptional martial talent and his notorious battle frenzy- at the peak of which he lays into  friends and foes alike.  The Morrigan is a goddess of war who sometimes assumes the shape of a raven. She also has a personal bone to pick with CuChulainn. Both have their own entries in wikipedia and the like, but be warned that spoilers abound.

    click to go to larger image in Deviantart

  • Wei 10:47 pm on February 13, 2010 Permalink | Reply

    IF: Adrift 

    Illustration Friday: Adrift

    This is a pencil sketch of my idea. I’m sure a lot of people will think of water first when presented with this week’s theme “adrift”. So I decided to think out of the box and came up with being adrift in the wind. So instead of being adrift on the sea, the raft is now adrift on the winds of fate. But the passengers doesn’t seem too concerned about where they will end up.

    Illustration Friday is a weekly creative outlet/participatory art exhibit for illustrators and artists of all skill levels. It was designed to challenge participants creatively. Illustration Friday just gives a no-pressure, fun excuse to use it. No clients looking for a particular thing. No one judging the outcome of the work. It’s a chance to experiment and explore and play with visual art.

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